Coghill Communications Full Service Marketing Agency

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Tired of feeding the social media beast? Narrow your focus

With more social media platforms now than ever and an increasing pressure to have a consistent and engaging presence on social media, many business owners are overwhelmed with feeding the social media beast. 

But it’s a necessary evil.

Facebook alone has 3 billion monthly active users.

On average, people spend more than two hours a day on social media.

What we’re getting at-- social media offers a HUGE window of opportunity for grabbing the attention of your target audience.

But, man, is the content competition real.

Your content must provide value

With so many creators vying to stop the scroll of all those fast-moving thumbs, your content has to stand out.

In a world of content overload, users’ attention spans are limited to about two seconds.

That means quality matters big time.

Social media users aren’t going to waste their time viewing content that doesn’t bring them value.

There are a range of ways to offer value on social media, from providing educational content to content that’s inspirational or funny.

Whatever your approach, make it worth your audience’s time.

Quality CONTENT IS PARAMOUNT, but FREQUENCY matters, too

Now that we’ve established the importance of producing quality content, it’s time to address quantity.

While quality is king, posting consistently matters, too.  

The more often you post, the more visibility your brand gets.

A good rule of thumb for posting frequency is no less than three posts per week.

The overwhelm of maintaining a social media presence

If you’re on multiple social media platforms, consistently posting quality content can get cumbersome and time consuming.

Just one day of posts can require several edits to adjust for each platform’s standards and formatting.

If you’re running business operations AND managing your brand’s social media, burnout can happen quickly!

If you’re posting to multiple platforms and your bandwidth is about to burst, it’s time to reassess.

Consider hiring a team to help support your content efforts.

Scale back your platforms

If you don’t have the budget to hire someone to manage the content conceptualizing, planning, capturing, editing, writing, posting and management across multiple platforms—and your time is stretched too thin to do it yourself— it’s okay to scale back.

Brands are increasingly changing their approach to social media marketing in this regard.

In a perfect world, your brand would be killing it on every platform to maximize exposure, but that requires an investment, whether it be a monetary or time investment.

Successful social media requires strategy, time and attention.

Narrow that focus to the platforms that most effectively reach your target audience.

Utilize data to make informed decisions about marketing to your target audience

Review your social media performance metrics to make an informed decision, and consider your target audience and which platforms they spend most of their time.

If you’re doing B2B marketing, consider shifting your focus to LinkedIn.

This platform helps businesses create connections, build networks and generate targeted leads.

If you’re targeting an older audience, Facebook is your best bet.

X, LinkedIn and Pinterest are also good options for older generations.

Review these social media demographics to make an informed decision about your social media strategy.

Hire a team of professionals to remove the burden

If you’re ready to invest in social media support, contact Coghill Communications to get started today!

We are a full-service marketing agency, offering content creation, consulting, social media management, digital ad campaign services, and much more.

Check out our services here.